Several Sangha members have mentioned concerns about the growing discourse and contention in the world among humans during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic playing out in the backdrop of climate change. Why is there suffering in general and what, if anything, can be done about it? Putting energy in the “why” is a fool’s errand. Our answer is always the same: Be clear here. “Here” being our personal expression of Self, as Bec, Steve, Trudy, Meri, Larry, Dawn, Robert, Terry, Paige, Luke, etc. Whether looking to ease suffering globally or just in our own lives, the answer is always to find clarity within our own living. When we know who or what we are, then what expresses is free of judgment, assuming, identification and is meted out with impeccability, generosity, openness, compassion, and gratitude.

Some Sangha members have written to share they have noticed the personal experience replaced by a Universal experience of heart. As suffering is witnessed and felt, there is an experience of Universal heartbreak for humans and the Earth as a whole that is filled with compassion and love. There is an understanding as this universal expression of Self that the fear, angst, and anger encountered at this time is a side-effect of conditioning and an identified existence under extreme stress. We notice the movement of Self reaching out with compassionate, courageous, and unfaltering actions. Doing what needs to be done without hesitation to help those around us. We see these selfless actions during this pandemic in healthcare workers, truck drivers, postal workers, factory workers, farmers, food store employees, janitors, and other essential workers. We see it in individuals doing their part staying home and staying connected with family and community through the internet. Neighbors checking on poor or elderly neighbors and safely providing them with groceries and medicine. We see it in communities joining together to support small, locally-owned businesses. When we know who we are, what we existentially are brings truth where needed.

Hafiz, an Iranian poet, expressed this action beautifully: May the gratitude in my heart kiss all the universe.

Stay safe. Much love, Steve and Bec

Kissing The Universe

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