Life seems to be a continuous movement forward.

If we stop to investigate movement, there can be a clear seeing of eternity, as eternity. When we look, we may say, I seem to be moving. However, further investigation reveals this apparent movement is seen by an apparent non-moving essence. This non-moving essence is not a deeper or more superficial aspect of what we are, it simply is what we are in/as Awareness at that moment—Awareness even beyond both movement and non-movement. As non-movement, the words “deeper” or “more superficial” lose their relevancy, but are, nonetheless, apparent experiences. Up/down, inside/outside, deep/superficial are all expressions of movement and are seen for their apparent dualistic nature from/as non-movement. Unity is apparent non-movement; duality is apparent movement. Paradoxically, we are both experiences simultaneously and neither experience, because we are beyond/before any experience whatsoever.

This is the recognition “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10, NIV) In this statement, ‘know” is not meant as two – subject and object, it is meant as unity. The word ‘know’ in this context conveys ‘Be.’ As/in movement, we know ourselves as many; as/in non-movement, we know ourselves as Self, Being, God, Stillness, Nothing.

Nikos Krazantzakis observed, “We have seen the highest circle of spiraling powers. We have named this circle God. We might have given it any other name we wished: Abyss, Mystery, Absolute Darkness, Absolute Light, Matter, Spirit, Ultimate Hope, Ultimate Despair, Silence. But we have named it God, because only this name, for primordial reasons, can stir our hearts profoundly. And this deeply felt emotion is indispensable if we are to touch body with body, the dread essence beyond logic.”

This may be viewed by some as blasphemous, but arrogance is the belief that we are somehow separate from God, Being, Self, Truth. Identification with movement, doership, body, and thought manifests as a life expressed in ignorance and bondage, which leads to suffering.

‘I’ is the subtlest movement. Non-movement is beyond even ‘I.’  We are before/beyond non-movement.

Enjoy, Steve and Bec


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