Life is presenting lots of changes. Our usual routines are in disarray. Young people have no daily trips to school. Most adults are facing significant changes in their daily lives, as well.

Daily life has always been filled with uncertainty, but now the lack of clarity regarding what tomorrow may bring is staring us right in the face.

In these days of apparent rapid change, there is also an opportunity to notice what does not change. If we find ourselves working or schooling from home, maybe this is the perfect time to introduce individual and family HOMEwork.

We encourage taking a few breaks during each day to simply stop. Sit comfortably and notice Silence. Allow ourselves to notice Inner Peace. When we find ourselves off on a thought, emotion, or belief, we simply fall back as the unchanging Stillness from which the thought arose. This is the opportunity to come HOME to recognition as what we have always been.

We are blessed with the opportunity to use this time at home to notice and live as our eternal HOME.

Be safe. Love, Steve and Bec


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