We were recently talking with someone about lucid dreaming. In lucid dreaming, there is awareness of dreaming while dreaming. There is the recognition we are not existentially the subject of the dream. At this point, the dream loses its ability to invoke fear, anxiety, etc., because we are no longer identified with the content of the dream, we are the space within which the dream is occurring.

We would encourage the fostering of ‘Lucid Living.’ Live free from identification with the content of life. Live free from bondage to thoughts, emotions, physicality, expectations, aspirations, past, and future.

Lucid Living is the movement of life after waking from identification with the content of life and recognizing we are life itself. We are the space within which life is lived. We are Consciousness, the substanceless substance of existence.

For a moment, set aside identification with thoughts about fears, hopes, apprehensions, emotions, memories, expectations, dreams, desires, beliefs, the past, the future, and body identification. These are all part of the content of life. When we set all these aspects of the content of life aside, even for an instant, we are left as context. We are left as the still, alert space between thoughts. We are left as Consciousness, as Isness, free from the constricting dream of life as content.

When we find ourselves identifying with content, this is an opportunity to stop and to notice the context. Notice the boundless awareness, the Isness. We are existentially the unchanging. Living as this eternal Isness is the foundation of Lucid Living. Now, thinking no longer gives us our sense of identity. We recognize our essence as simply “I am,” free from identification as “I am this” or “I am that.”

John 8:58: “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

May we all have ears to hear.

Truly, Steve and Bec


Lucid Living

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