The Christmas Tree

This week we cut down a Christmas tree at a local Christmas tree farm with our children and our 13-month-old granddaughter. This has been our family tradition for many years. Our granddaughter took this opportunity to remind us of the

Thanks Being

Holidays offer an opportunity to break from our daily routine. Thanksgiving is devoted to reflection on how our lives have been blessed. We suggest the greatest blessing is Grace leading to the recognition of life as a serene love beyond

The Presidential Election

  The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election is a source of angst for proponents of both candidates. There was no result that would have been met with anything approaching universal applause. The winners look to the results as a confirmation they

We Are the World

We recently listened to satsang with Nirgun John. He made the statement, “I am not in the world, the world is in me.” This statement illuminates the experience of Truth when you assume Consciousness as the speaker of those words.